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// Copyright 2019 The Druid Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Events.
use crate::kurbo::{Rect, Shape, Size, Vec2};
use druid_shell::{Clipboard, KeyEvent, TimerToken};
use crate::mouse::MouseEvent;
use crate::{Command, Notification, WidgetId};
/// An event, propagated downwards during event flow.
/// With two exceptions ([`Event::Command`] and [`Event::Notification`], which
/// have special considerations outlined in their own docs) each event
/// corresponds to some user action or other message recieved from the platform.
/// Events are things that happen that can change the state of widgets.
/// An important category is events plumbed from the platform windowing
/// system, which includes mouse and keyboard events, but also (in the
/// future) status changes such as window focus changes.
/// Events can also be higher level concepts indicating state changes
/// within the widget hierarchy, for example when a widget gains or loses
/// focus or "hot" (also known as hover) status.
/// Events are a key part of what is called "event flow", which is
/// basically the propagation of an event through the widget hierarchy
/// through the [`event`] widget method. A container widget will
/// generally pass the event to its children, mediated through the
/// [`WidgetPod`] container, which is where most of the event flow logic
/// is applied (especially the decision whether or not to propagate).
/// This enum is expected to grow considerably, as there are many, many
/// different kinds of events that are relevant in a GUI.
/// [`event`]: trait.Widget.html#tymethod.event
/// [`WidgetPod`]: struct.WidgetPod.html
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Event {
/// Sent to all widgets in a given window when that window is first instantiated.
/// This should always be the first `Event` received, although widgets will
/// receive [`LifeCycle::WidgetAdded`] first.
/// Widgets should handle this event if they need to do some addition setup
/// when a window is first created.
/// [`LifeCycle::WidgetAdded`]: enum.LifeCycle.html#variant.WidgetAdded
/// Sent to all widgets in a given window when the system requests to close the window.
/// If the event is handled (with [`set_handled`]), the window will not be closed.
/// All widgets are given an opportunity to handle this event; your widget should not assume
/// that the window *will* close just because this event is received; for instance, you should
/// avoid destructive side effects such as cleaning up resources.
/// [`set_handled`]: crate::EventCtx::set_handled
/// Sent to all widgets in a given window when the system is going to close that window.
/// This event means the window *will* go away; it is safe to dispose of resources and
/// do any other cleanup.
/// Called on the root widget when the window size changes.
/// Discussion: it's not obvious this should be propagated to user
/// widgets. It *is* propagated through the RootWidget and handled
/// in the WindowPod, but after that it might be considered better
/// to just handle it in `layout`.
/// Called when a mouse button is pressed.
/// Called when a mouse button is released.
/// Called when the mouse is moved.
/// The `MouseMove` event is propagated to the active widget, if
/// there is one, otherwise to hot widgets (see `HotChanged`).
/// If a widget loses its hot status due to `MouseMove` then that specific
/// `MouseMove` event is also still sent to that widget.
/// The `MouseMove` event is also the primary mechanism for widgets
/// to set a cursor, for example to an I-bar inside a text widget. A
/// simple tactic is for the widget to unconditionally call
/// [`set_cursor`] in the MouseMove handler, as `MouseMove` is only
/// propagated to active or hot widgets.
/// [`set_cursor`]: struct.EventCtx.html#method.set_cursor
/// Called when the mouse wheel or trackpad is scrolled.
/// Called when a key is pressed.
/// Called when a key is released.
/// Because of repeat, there may be a number `KeyDown` events before
/// a corresponding `KeyUp` is sent.
/// Called when a paste command is received.
/// Called when the trackpad is pinched.
/// The value is a delta.
/// Called on a timer event.
/// Request a timer event through [`EventCtx::request_timer()`]. That will
/// cause a timer event later.
/// Note that timer events from other widgets may be delivered as well. Use
/// the token returned from the `request_timer()` call to filter events more
/// precisely.
/// [`EventCtx::request_timer()`]: struct.EventCtx.html#method.request_timer
/// Called at the beginning of a new animation frame.
/// On the first frame when transitioning from idle to animating, `interval`
/// will be 0. (This logic is presently per-window but might change to
/// per-widget to make it more consistent). Otherwise it is in nanoseconds.
/// The `paint` method will be called shortly after this event is finished.
/// As a result, you should try to avoid doing anything computationally
/// intensive in response to an `AnimFrame` event: it might make Druid miss
/// the monitor's refresh, causing lag or jerky animation.
/// An event containing a [`Command`] to be handled by the widget.
/// [`Command`]s are messages, optionally with attached data, that can
/// may be generated from a number of sources:
/// - If your application uses menus (either window or context menus)
/// then the [`MenuItem`]s in the menu will each correspond to a `Command`.
/// When the menu item is selected, that [`Command`] will be delivered to
/// the root widget of the appropriate window.
/// - If you are doing work in another thread (using an [`ExtEventSink`])
/// then [`Command`]s are the mechanism by which you communicate back to
/// the main thread.
/// - Widgets and other Druid components can send custom [`Command`]s at
/// runtime, via methods such as [`EventCtx::submit_command`].
/// [`Command`]: struct.Command.html
/// [`Widget`]: trait.Widget.html
/// [`EventCtx::submit_command`]: struct.EventCtx.html#method.submit_command
/// [`ExtEventSink`]: crate::ExtEventSink
/// [`MenuItem`]: crate::MenuItem
/// A [`Notification`] from one of this widget's descendants.
/// While handling events, widgets can submit notifications to be
/// delivered to their ancestors immdiately after they return.
/// If you handle a [`Notification`], you should call [`EventCtx::set_handled`]
/// to stop the notification from being delivered to further ancestors.
/// ## Special considerations
/// Notifications are slightly different from other events; they originate
/// inside Druid, and they are delivered as part of the handling of another
/// event. In this sense, they can sort of be thought of as an augmentation
/// of an event; they are a way for multiple widgets to coordinate the
/// handling of an event.
/// [`EventCtx::set_handled`]: crate::EventCtx::set_handled
/// Sent to a widget when the platform may have mutated shared IME state.
/// This is sent to a widget that has an attached IME session anytime the
/// platform has released a mutable lock on shared state.
/// This does not *mean* that any state has changed, but the widget
/// should check the shared state, perform invalidation, and update `Data`
/// as necessary.
/// Internal druid event.
/// This should always be passed down to descendant [`WidgetPod`]s.
/// [`WidgetPod`]: struct.WidgetPod.html
/// Internal events used by druid inside [`WidgetPod`].
/// These events are translated into regular [`Event`]s
/// and should not be used directly.
/// [`WidgetPod`]: struct.WidgetPod.html
/// [`Event`]: enum.Event.html
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum InternalEvent {
/// Sent in some cases when the mouse has left the window.
/// This is used in cases when the platform no longer sends mouse events,
/// but we know that we've stopped receiving the mouse events.
/// A command still in the process of being dispatched.
/// Used for routing timer events.
RouteTimer(TimerToken, WidgetId),
/// Route an IME change event.
/// Application life cycle events.
/// Unlike [`Event`]s, [`LifeCycle`] events are generated by Druid, and
/// may occur at different times during a given pass of the event loop. The
/// [`LifeCycle::WidgetAdded`] event, for instance, may occur when the app
/// first launches (during the handling of [`Event::WindowConnected`]) or it
/// may occur during [`update`] cycle, if some widget has been added there.
/// Similarly the [`LifeCycle::Size`] method occurs during [`layout`], and
/// [`LifeCycle::HotChanged`] can occur both during [`event`] (if the mouse
/// moves over a widget) or during [`layout`], if a widget is resized and
/// that moves it under the mouse.
/// [`event`]: crate::Widget::event
/// [`update`]: crate::Widget::update
/// [`layout`]: crate::Widget::layout
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum LifeCycle {
/// Sent to a `Widget` when it is added to the widget tree. This should be
/// the first message that each widget receives.
/// Widgets should handle this event in order to do any initial setup.
/// In addition to setup, this event is also used by the framework to
/// track certain types of important widget state.
/// ## Registering children
/// Container widgets (widgets which use [`WidgetPod`] to manage children)
/// must ensure that this event is forwarded to those children. The [`WidgetPod`]
/// itself will handle registering those children with the system; this is
/// required for things like correct routing of events.
/// ## Participating in focus
/// Widgets which wish to participate in automatic focus (using tab to change
/// focus) must handle this event and call [`LifeCycleCtx::register_for_focus`].
/// [`LifeCycleCtx::register_child`]: struct.LifeCycleCtx.html#method.register_child
/// [`WidgetPod`]: struct.WidgetPod.html
/// [`LifeCycleCtx::register_for_focus`]: struct.LifeCycleCtx.html#method.register_for_focus
/// Called when the [`Size`] of the widget changes.
/// This will be called after [`Widget::layout`], if the [`Size`] returned
/// by the widget differs from its previous size.
/// [`Size`]: struct.Size.html
/// [`Widget::layout`]: trait.Widget.html#tymethod.layout
/// Called when the Disabled state of the widgets is changed.
/// To check if a widget is disabled, see [`is_disabled`].
/// To change a widget's disabled state, see [`set_disabled`].
/// [`is_disabled`]: crate::EventCtx::is_disabled
/// [`set_disabled`]: crate::EventCtx::set_disabled
/// Called when the "hot" status changes.
/// This will always be called _before_ the event that triggered it; that is,
/// when the mouse moves over a widget, that widget will receive
/// `LifeCycle::HotChanged` before it receives `Event::MouseMove`.
/// See [`is_hot`](struct.EventCtx.html#method.is_hot) for
/// discussion about the hot status.
/// This is called when the widget-tree changes and druid wants to rebuild the
/// Focus-chain.
/// It is the only place from witch [`register_for_focus`] should be called.
/// By doing so the widget can get focused by other widgets using [`focus_next`] or [`focus_prev`].
/// [`register_for_focus`]: crate::LifeCycleCtx::register_for_focus
/// [`focus_next`]: crate::EventCtx::focus_next
/// [`focus_prev`]: crate::EventCtx::focus_prev
/// Called when the focus status changes.
/// This will always be called immediately after a new widget gains focus.
/// The newly focused widget will receive this with `true` and the widget
/// that lost focus will receive this with `false`.
/// See [`EventCtx::is_focused`] for more information about focus.
/// [`EventCtx::is_focused`]: struct.EventCtx.html#method.is_focused
/// Internal druid lifecycle event.
/// This should always be passed down to descendant [`WidgetPod`]s.
/// [`WidgetPod`]: struct.WidgetPod.html
/// Internal lifecycle events used by druid inside [`WidgetPod`].
/// These events are translated into regular [`LifeCycle`] events
/// and should not be used directly.
/// [`WidgetPod`]: struct.WidgetPod.html
/// [`LifeCycle`]: enum.LifeCycle.html
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum InternalLifeCycle {
/// Used to route the `WidgetAdded` event to the required widgets.
/// Used to route the `FocusChanged` event.
RouteFocusChanged {
/// the widget that is losing focus, if any
old: Option<WidgetId>,
/// the widget that is gaining focus, if any
new: Option<WidgetId>,
/// Used to route the `DisabledChanged` event to the required widgets.
/// The parents widget origin in window coordinate space has changed.
/// For testing: request the `WidgetState` of a specific widget.
/// During testing, you may wish to verify that the state of a widget
/// somewhere in the tree is as expected. In that case you can dispatch
/// this event, specifying the widget in question, and that widget will
/// set its state in the provided `Cell`, if it exists.
DebugRequestState {
/// the widget whose state is requested
widget: WidgetId,
/// a cell used to store the a widget's state
state_cell: StateCell,
/// For testing: apply the given function on every widget.
impl Event {
/// Transform the event for the contents of a scrolling container.
/// the `force` flag is used to ensure an event is delivered even
/// if the cursor is out of the viewport, such as if the contents are active
/// or hot.
pub fn transform_scroll(&self, offset: Vec2, viewport: Rect, force: bool) -> Option<Event> {
match self {
Event::MouseDown(mouse_event) => {
if force || viewport.winding(mouse_event.pos) != 0 {
let mut mouse_event = mouse_event.clone();
mouse_event.pos += offset;
} else {
Event::MouseUp(mouse_event) => {
if force || viewport.winding(mouse_event.pos) != 0 {
let mut mouse_event = mouse_event.clone();
mouse_event.pos += offset;
} else {
Event::MouseMove(mouse_event) => {
if force || viewport.winding(mouse_event.pos) != 0 {
let mut mouse_event = mouse_event.clone();
mouse_event.pos += offset;
} else {
Event::Wheel(mouse_event) => {
if force || viewport.winding(mouse_event.pos) != 0 {
let mut mouse_event = mouse_event.clone();
mouse_event.pos += offset;
} else {
_ => Some(self.clone()),
/// Whether this event should be sent to widgets which are currently not visible and not
/// accessible.
/// For example: the hidden tabs in a tabs widget are `hidden` whereas the non-visible
/// widgets in a scroll are not, since you can bring them into view by scrolling.
/// This distinction between scroll and tabs is due to one of the main purposes of
/// this method: determining which widgets are allowed to receive focus. As a rule
/// of thumb a widget counts as `hidden` if it makes no sense for it to receive focus
/// when the user presses thee 'tab' key.
/// If a widget changes which children are hidden it must call [`children_changed`].
/// See also [`LifeCycle::should_propagate_to_hidden`].
/// [`children_changed`]: crate::EventCtx::children_changed
/// [`LifeCycle::should_propagate_to_hidden`]: LifeCycle::should_propagate_to_hidden
pub fn should_propagate_to_hidden(&self) -> bool {
match self {
| Event::WindowCloseRequested
| Event::WindowDisconnected
| Event::WindowSize(_)
| Event::Timer(_)
| Event::AnimFrame(_)
| Event::Command(_)
| Event::Notification(_)
| Event::Internal(_) => true,
| Event::MouseUp(_)
| Event::MouseMove(_)
| Event::Wheel(_)
| Event::KeyDown(_)
| Event::KeyUp(_)
| Event::Paste(_)
| Event::ImeStateChange
| Event::Zoom(_) => false,
impl LifeCycle {
/// Whether this event should be sent to widgets which are currently not visible and not
/// accessible.
/// If a widget changes which children are `hidden` it must call [`children_changed`].
/// For a more detailed explanation of the `hidden` state, see [`Event::should_propagate_to_hidden`].
/// [`children_changed`]: crate::EventCtx::children_changed
/// [`Event::should_propagate_to_hidden`]: Event::should_propagate_to_hidden
pub fn should_propagate_to_hidden(&self) -> bool {
match self {
LifeCycle::Internal(internal) => internal.should_propagate_to_hidden(),
LifeCycle::WidgetAdded | LifeCycle::DisabledChanged(_) => true,
| LifeCycle::HotChanged(_)
| LifeCycle::FocusChanged(_)
| LifeCycle::BuildFocusChain => false,
impl InternalLifeCycle {
/// Whether this event should be sent to widgets which are currently not visible and not
/// accessible.
/// If a widget changes which children are `hidden` it must call [`children_changed`].
/// For a more detailed explanation of the `hidden` state, see [`Event::should_propagate_to_hidden`].
/// [`children_changed`]: crate::EventCtx::children_changed
/// [`Event::should_propagate_to_hidden`]: Event::should_propagate_to_hidden
pub fn should_propagate_to_hidden(&self) -> bool {
match self {
| InternalLifeCycle::RouteFocusChanged { .. }
| InternalLifeCycle::RouteDisabledChanged => true,
InternalLifeCycle::ParentWindowOrigin => false,
InternalLifeCycle::DebugRequestState { .. }
| InternalLifeCycle::DebugInspectState(_) => true,
pub(crate) use state_cell::{StateCell, StateCheckFn};
mod state_cell {
use crate::core::WidgetState;
use crate::WidgetId;
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
/// An interior-mutable struct for fetching BasteState.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct StateCell(Rc<RefCell<Option<WidgetState>>>);
pub struct StateCheckFn(Rc<dyn Fn(&WidgetState)>);
/// a hacky way of printing the widget id if we panic
struct WidgetDrop(bool, WidgetId);
impl Drop for WidgetDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.0 {
eprintln!("panic in {:?}", self.1);
impl StateCell {
/// Set the state. This will panic if it is called twice.
pub(crate) fn set(&self, state: WidgetState) {
"StateCell already set"
pub(crate) fn take(&self) -> Option<WidgetState> {
impl StateCheckFn {
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub(crate) fn new(f: impl Fn(&WidgetState) + 'static) -> Self {
pub(crate) fn call(&self, state: &WidgetState) {
let mut panic_reporter = WidgetDrop(true, state.id);
panic_reporter.0 = false;
impl std::fmt::Debug for StateCell {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
let inner = if self.0.borrow().is_some() {
} else {
write!(f, "StateCell({})", inner)
impl std::fmt::Debug for StateCheckFn {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "StateCheckFn")