Crate druid[−][src]
Expand description
Simple data-oriented GUI.
Druid lets you build simple interactive graphical applications that can be deployed on Windows, macOS, Linux, and the web.
Druid is built on top of druid-shell
, which implements all of the
lower-level, platform-specific code, providing a common abstraction
for things like key and mouse events, creating windows, and launching
an application. Below druid-shell
is piet
, which is a cross-platform
2D graphics library, providing a simple and familiar drawing API that can be
implemented for various platforms.
Druid is a data-driven, declarative framework. You describe your application
model in terms of the Data
trait, and then you build up a tree of
s that can display and modify your data.
Your widgets handle Event
s, such as mouse movement, and can modify the data;
these changes are then delivered to relevant widgets, which can update
their state and redraw.
As your application grows, you can use Lens
es to expose only certain
subsets of your data model to certains subsets of your widget tree.
For more information you should read the druid book.
For many more examples, see druid/examples
use druid::widget::{Align, Flex, Label, TextBox};
use druid::{AppLauncher, Data, Env, Lens, LocalizedString, Widget, WindowDesc, WidgetExt};
const VERTICAL_WIDGET_SPACING: f64 = 20.0;
const TEXT_BOX_WIDTH: f64 = 200.0;
const WINDOW_TITLE: LocalizedString<HelloState> = LocalizedString::new("Hello World!");
#[derive(Clone, Data, Lens)]
struct HelloState {
name: String,
fn main() {
// describe the main window
let main_window = WindowDesc::new(build_root_widget())
.window_size((400.0, 400.0));
// create the initial app state
let initial_state = HelloState {
name: "World".into(),
// start the application
.expect("Failed to launch application");
fn build_root_widget() -> impl Widget<HelloState> {
// a label that will determine its text based on the current app data.
let label = Label::new(|data: &HelloState, _env: &Env| format!("Hello {}!",;
// a textbox that modifies `name`.
let textbox = TextBox::new()
.with_placeholder("Who are we greeting?")
// arrange the two widgets vertically, with some padding
let layout = Flex::column()
// center the two widgets in the available space
Optional Features
- Efficient immutable data structures using theim
crate, which is made available via theim
- Scalable Vector Graphics for icons and other scalable images using theusvg
- Bitmap image support using theimage
- Work-in-progress X11 Linux backend instead of GTK.
Features can be added with cargo
. For example, in your Cargo.toml
version = "0.7.0"
features = ["im", "svg", "image"]
Note for Windows apps
By default, Windows will open a console with your application’s window. If you don’t want
the console to be shown, use #![windows_subsystem = "windows"]
at the beginning of your
pub use shell::image;
pub use shell::keyboard_types;
pub use env::Env;
pub use env::Key;
pub use env::KeyOrValue;
pub use env::Value;
pub use env::ValueType;
pub use env::ValueTypeError;
pub use menu::sys as platform_menus;
pub use menu::Menu;
pub use menu::MenuItem;
Commands with special meaning, defined by druid.
An environment which is passed downward into the widget tree.
Immutable Data Structures for Rust
2D geometry, with a focus on curves.
Support for lenses, a way of focusing on subfields of data.
Window, application, and context menus
A piet backend appropriate for the current platform.
A component for embedding in another widget to provide consistent and extendable scrolling behavior
Additional unit tests that cross file or module boundaries.
Editing and displaying text.
Theme keys and initial values.
Common widgets.
Construct a lens accessing a type’s field
A macro to help implementation of WidgetWrapper for a direct wrapper. Use it in the body of the impl.
A macro to help implementation of WidgetWrapper for a wrapper of a typed pod. Use it in the body of the impl.
A 2D affine transform.
Handles initial setup of an application, and starts the runloop.
The top level application object.
Constraints for layout.
A handle to the system clipboard.
Data coupled with a type identifier.
An arbitrary command.
A platform-independent description of a custom cursor.
A context passed in to AppDelegate
The struct implements the druid-shell WinHandler
A mutable context provided to event handling methods of widgets.
An error that occurs if an external event cannot be submitted. This probably means that the application has gone away.
A thing that can move into other threads and be used to submit commands back to the running application.
Options for file dialogs.
Information about the path to be opened or saved.
A description of a filetype, for specifiying allowed types in a file dialog.
A collection of attributes that describe a font.
A reference to a font family.
A font weight, represented as a value in the range 1..=1000.
A description of a keyboard shortcut.
An in-memory pixel buffer.
Insets from the edges of a rectangle.
Information about a keyboard event.
A context provided to layout handling methods of widgets.
A mutable context provided to the lifecycle
method on widgets.
A description of a linear gradient in the unit rect, which can be resolved to a fixed gradient.
A string that can be localized based on the current locale.
The modifiers.
Monitor struct containing data about a monitor on the system
A set of MouseButton
The state of the mouse for a click, mouse-up, move, or wheel event.
A message passed up the tree from a Widget
to its ancestors.
A context passed to paint methods of widgets.
A 2D point.
A description of a radial gradient in the unit rect, which can be resolved to a fixed gradient.
A rectangle.
A union of rectangles, useful for describing an area that needs to be repainted.
Coordinate scaling between pixels and display points.
Information about the screen and monitors
An identifier for a particular command.
A 2D size.
A component for displaying text on screen.
A token that uniquely identifies a running timer.
A representation of a point relative to a unit rectangle.
A mutable context provided to data update methods of widgets.
A 2D vector.
A container for one widget in the hierarchy.
Per-window state not owned by user code.
Window configuration that can be applied to a WindowBuilder, or to an existing WindowHandle. It does not include anything related to app data.
A description of a window to be instantiated.
A handle to a platform window object.
A unique identifier for a window.
Code is the physical position of a key.
A datatype representing color.
Mouse cursors.
An event, propagated downwards during event flow.
A font style, which may be italic or regular.
An enum for specifying whether an event was handled.
Internal events used by druid inside WidgetPod
Internal lifecycle events used by druid inside WidgetPod
Application life cycle events.
The location attribute contains an indication of the logical location of the key on the device.
An indicator of which mouse button was pressed.
Shell errors.
A representation of the active modifier keys.
A platform-agnostic representation of keyboard modifiers, for command handling.
The alignment of text in a TextLayout
Levels in the window system - Z order for display purposes. Describes the purpose of a window and should be mapped appropriately to match platform conventions.
Defines how a windows size should be determined
Contains the different states a Window can be in.
A type that provides hooks for handling and modifying top-level events.
A trait used to represent value types.
A lens is a datatype that gives access to a part of a larger data structure.
Helpers for manipulating Lens
The main trait for rendering graphics.
The Scalable
trait describes how coordinates should be translated
from display points into pixels and vice versa using a Scale
The trait implemented by all widgets.
A trait that provides extra methods for combining Widget
Type Definitions
A reference counted string slice.
A type identifer for the system clipboard.
The meaning (mapped value) of a keypress.
The meaning (mapped value) of a keypress.
See Modifiers