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// Copyright 2019 The Druid Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Common types for representing mouse events and state
use crate::backend;
use crate::kurbo::{Point, Vec2};
use crate::piet::ImageBuf;
use crate::Modifiers;
/// Information about the mouse event.
/// Every mouse event can have a new position. There is no guarantee of
/// receiving a move event before another mouse event.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MouseEvent {
/// The location of the mouse in [display points] in relation to the current window.
/// [display points]: struct.Scale.html
pub pos: Point,
/// Mouse buttons being held down during a move or after a click event.
/// Thus it will contain the `button` that triggered a mouse-down event,
/// and it will not contain the `button` that triggered a mouse-up event.
pub buttons: MouseButtons,
/// Keyboard modifiers at the time of the event.
pub mods: Modifiers,
/// The number of mouse clicks associated with this event. This will always
/// be `0` for a mouse-up and mouse-move events.
pub count: u8,
/// Focus is `true` on macOS when the mouse-down event (or its companion mouse-up event)
/// with `MouseButton::Left` was the event that caused the window to gain focus.
pub focus: bool,
/// The button that was pressed down in the case of mouse-down,
/// or the button that was released in the case of mouse-up.
/// This will always be `MouseButton::None` in the case of mouse-move.
pub button: MouseButton,
/// The wheel movement.
/// The polarity is the amount to be added to the scroll position,
/// in other words the opposite of the direction the content should
/// move on scrolling. This polarity is consistent with the
/// deltaX and deltaY values in a web [WheelEvent].
/// [WheelEvent]: https://w3c.github.io/uievents/#event-type-wheel
pub wheel_delta: Vec2,
/// An indicator of which mouse button was pressed.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum MouseButton {
/// No mouse button.
// MUST BE FIRST (== 0)
/// Left mouse button.
/// Right mouse button.
/// Middle mouse button.
/// First X button.
/// Second X button.
impl MouseButton {
/// Returns `true` if this is [`MouseButton::Left`].
/// [`MouseButton::Left`]: #variant.Left
pub fn is_left(self) -> bool {
self == MouseButton::Left
/// Returns `true` if this is [`MouseButton::Right`].
/// [`MouseButton::Right`]: #variant.Right
pub fn is_right(self) -> bool {
self == MouseButton::Right
/// Returns `true` if this is [`MouseButton::Middle`].
/// [`MouseButton::Middle`]: #variant.Middle
pub fn is_middle(self) -> bool {
self == MouseButton::Middle
/// Returns `true` if this is [`MouseButton::X1`].
/// [`MouseButton::X1`]: #variant.X1
pub fn is_x1(self) -> bool {
self == MouseButton::X1
/// Returns `true` if this is [`MouseButton::X2`].
/// [`MouseButton::X2`]: #variant.X2
pub fn is_x2(self) -> bool {
self == MouseButton::X2
/// A set of [`MouseButton`]s.
/// [`MouseButton`]: enum.MouseButton.html
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct MouseButtons(u8);
impl MouseButtons {
/// Create a new empty set.
pub fn new() -> MouseButtons {
/// Add the `button` to the set.
pub fn insert(&mut self, button: MouseButton) {
self.0 |= 1.min(button as u8) << button as u8;
/// Remove the `button` from the set.
pub fn remove(&mut self, button: MouseButton) {
self.0 &= !(1.min(button as u8) << button as u8);
/// Builder-style method for adding the `button` to the set.
pub fn with(mut self, button: MouseButton) -> MouseButtons {
self.0 |= 1.min(button as u8) << button as u8;
/// Builder-style method for removing the `button` from the set.
pub fn without(mut self, button: MouseButton) -> MouseButtons {
self.0 &= !(1.min(button as u8) << button as u8);
/// Returns `true` if the `button` is in the set.
pub fn contains(self, button: MouseButton) -> bool {
(self.0 & (1.min(button as u8) << button as u8)) != 0
/// Returns `true` if the set is empty.
pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
self.0 == 0
/// Returns `true` if all the `buttons` are in the set.
pub fn is_superset(self, buttons: MouseButtons) -> bool {
self.0 & buttons.0 == buttons.0
/// Returns `true` if [`MouseButton::Left`] is in the set.
/// [`MouseButton::Left`]: enum.MouseButton.html#variant.Left
pub fn has_left(self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if [`MouseButton::Right`] is in the set.
/// [`MouseButton::Right`]: enum.MouseButton.html#variant.Right
pub fn has_right(self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if [`MouseButton::Middle`] is in the set.
/// [`MouseButton::Middle`]: enum.MouseButton.html#variant.Middle
pub fn has_middle(self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if [`MouseButton::X1`] is in the set.
/// [`MouseButton::X1`]: enum.MouseButton.html#variant.X1
pub fn has_x1(self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if [`MouseButton::X2`] is in the set.
/// [`MouseButton::X2`]: enum.MouseButton.html#variant.X2
pub fn has_x2(self) -> bool {
/// Adds all the `buttons` to the set.
pub fn extend(&mut self, buttons: MouseButtons) {
self.0 |= buttons.0;
/// Returns a union of the values in `self` and `other`.
pub fn union(mut self, other: MouseButtons) -> MouseButtons {
self.0 |= other.0;
/// Clear the set.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.0 = 0;
/// Count the number of pressed buttons in the set.
pub fn count(self) -> u32 {
impl std::fmt::Debug for MouseButtons {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "MouseButtons({:05b})", self.0 >> 1)
//NOTE: this currently only contains cursors that are included by default on
//both Windows and macOS. We may want to provide polyfills for various additional cursors.
/// Mouse cursors.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Cursor {
/// The default arrow cursor.
/// A vertical I-beam, for indicating insertion points in text.
#[deprecated(note = "this will be removed in future because it is not available on windows")]
// The platform cursor should be small. Any image data that it uses should be shared (i.e.
// behind an `Arc` or using a platform API that does the sharing).
/// A platform-independent description of a custom cursor.
pub struct CursorDesc {
pub(crate) image: ImageBuf,
pub(crate) hot: Point,
impl CursorDesc {
/// Creates a new `CursorDesc`.
/// `hot` is the "hot spot" of the cursor, measured in terms of the pixels in `image` with
/// `(0, 0)` at the top left. The hot spot is the logical position of the mouse cursor within
/// the image. For example, if the image is a picture of a arrow, the hot spot might be the
/// coordinates of the arrow's tip.
pub fn new(image: ImageBuf, hot: impl Into<Point>) -> CursorDesc {
CursorDesc {
hot: hot.into(),
impl std::fmt::Debug for Cursor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Cursor::Arrow => write!(f, "Cursor::Arrow"),
Cursor::IBeam => write!(f, "Cursor::IBeam"),
Cursor::Pointer => write!(f, "Cursor::Pointer"),
Cursor::Crosshair => write!(f, "Cursor::Crosshair"),
Cursor::OpenHand => write!(f, "Cursor::OpenHand"),
Cursor::NotAllowed => write!(f, "Cursor::NotAllowed"),
Cursor::ResizeLeftRight => write!(f, "Cursor::ResizeLeftRight"),
Cursor::ResizeUpDown => write!(f, "Cursor::ResizeUpDown"),
Cursor::Custom(_) => write!(f, "Cursor::Custom"),